Sunday, February 28, 2010

About Me

I'm a simple person to please. I'm a complicated person underneath. I don't ask for much but I want it all.

Incase you can't tell through my profile and my posts, the thing I value about this blog the most is that I can remain on the most part - annonymous.

Hi I'm Ms B and this is my about me.
So here is an about me of random facts that dont give away my identity but let the readers get to know me more as the oh-so-complicated young lady that I am.

- I love the dark, I love the night life, I come alive at night.

- I have a self confessed drinking problem...more about that later ;)

- My love life so far has involved all the wrong kinds of people, knives, violence and of course the police.

- I love fashion, make up, and as much as I will usually call myself "one of the boys" I do very much enjoy being a girl

- Currently in the middle of giving myself a make over

- I am actually too skinny and need to put on weight

- My favourite colour is red My current obsession is red

- I love to laugh and smile, I love pople who make me laugh and smile and I live to put a smile on peoples faces.

Ask in a comment anything you would like to know.

Blog inspired by Sarahs Organised Chaos


  1. that's quite a love life you have there. :) stay safe please.

  2. Knives, violence and police?!! You never actually come across as that sort of person! :)
