Sunday, February 21, 2010

Maybe she is just that into you. Continued...

This is a continuation of this post Maybe she is just that into you.

Okay so after the events of last night I can update you on W. Last night I met up with W in the same club. He is such a fantastic guy, I was with guy friends and having a fairly bad night. I ran at him and pretty much tackled him, because I'm smooth like that. I was a little more intoxicated than I would of liked to of been, and wearing the same dress as the first night I met him since I hadn't planned on seeing him that night. One of the guy friends I was with is SUPER attractive, and was giving me hugs, along with his friends in a big group hug as W and friends downed their drinks.

He reached out and grabbed my hand and said "lets dance" and took me through the crowd, invited my friends to come aswell but they knew not to. The first night I met him I was only with girls, which is rare, last night I was only with guys, which is more like how it usually is and I think it was a bit of a shock to his system but he took it well and I was proud. He made an effort with my friends which is extra special because with guys its a bit more awkward. When we were dancing they threw shirts into the crowd and he caught one and gave it to me. I said how it was going to be massive on my tiny frame and he said "then you can wear it to bed and it will make you think of me" and then laughed at himself and said how that was the best line he has ever come up with. Haha. I agreed.

The guy that was driving me home that nght was not having a good night and wanted to leave early. W was bummed I had to leave. Problem was, in being respectful to his friends and my friends when there were other people around I behaved myself (and didnt pash him like I wanted to). He walked me to the door of the club because this city has a 1.30am curfew where they dont let anyone into the club after that time, but if your already in it you can stay until 3. It was awkward, I wanted to kiss him and it was the first time we were alone, we said our goodbyes, hugged and everything was lingering. So I went for my fool proof method. Its a strange method but its worked everytime I've done it. Lingering hug, reach up and kiss him on the cheek and as I pull away brush the tip of my fingers down his back.

"Bye" he says. What? no! It didnt work. Oh no. I start to walk away and as I do he says after me "wait". Grabs my hand spins me around embraces me and kisses me... on the cheek. No. Close. But no. Still fail. Then finally, says something along the lines of "come here" and kisses me. Wow. He is an AMAZING kisser. Best kiss I've ever had. As you know from my post the other day I've had some bad ones and I was joking around with a friend that when I find a good kisser I'm going to keep him forever because they are so rare. I couldnt stand being with someone who is a bad kisser, its the person your hoping to kiss for the rest of your life.

His kiss was amazing because it was just the way I like it, soft and only a little tongue, not like he was trying to find anything in my mouth.

Well moment was ruined by a text from my friend that said he was waiting in the car, oh yer...right...I was leaving.

Me and W really click. This is the first guy in a long time I have actually been really really interested in. Our parting conversation was a great example of how we click.

W - Text me when your out again
Me - Well maybe you should see me sober
W - Ok, we can go for coffee or something
Me - No
W - Oh thank god, I dont drink coffee
Me - Neither, and "going for coffee" is lame, be more creative.
W - Well I'll message you, I'll see you again, I promise.

And I walk away and he once again yells out after me "wait". As I turn around he throws me the singlet he caught in the crowd that he had been holding onto for me. His throw falls short and I have to do a quick and awkward bend and grab in my dress and heels infront of the bouncers who totally witnessed our pash and are now giving me smiles. As I walk out I realise that I'm not alone and in a really dangerous area, the car is around the corner out of sight of the bouncers. And then I hear my name and its my attractive friend (who is also a new friend) who has been kicked out of the club and walks me to the car in a drunken stumble. We stand around the car and talk, as one of my guy friends tries to get me to kiss him as the attractive one put on my singlet (over his huge muscular body) and I snap a foto, which I later showed my mum who agreed that he is also the most attractive guy shes ever seen, pink ladies singlet and all. Another guy turns up and announces their other friend just got arrested.

I love my insane lifeat the moment. What a good night.


  1. congrats!! i hope this thing with W works out! you sound like you like him :) good luck!

  2. You are totally into him..he he! All the best to you two! :)
