Saturday, February 20, 2010

Double standards

We have created so many double standards. Us women fight for equality, but our expectations of men (especially when dating) contradict all the things we rally for.

We want equal pay... but we want him to pay for dinner...

We want to be given the same opportunities as men, be treated the same, be able to have careers in industries that are usually only considered to be filled with men. But then there is still an ongong social concept of men doing the approaching, men buying the women drinks and paying for dinner. These social rules and concepts all originate from when the men were the earners, but with equal opportunity and pay the men are giving, the women are taking and the whole system is thrown off balance, the scales are tipping.

I'm going to go buy a guy a drink, maybe take him to the movies and dinner, after all, I can work where he does and do what he does and earn what he does thanks to the women who fought for it. So lets make it fair. Now to find a guy who would let me do that without feeling completely imasculated...


  1. I completely agree with you here but i still think I would be afraid to actually do it (afraid how someone would respond especially). I often play "wingman" for my guy friends and going up to girls for them is SO much easier haha. If only meeting a guy was as easy as it is to make friends!

  2. Imasculate will be a harsh term but yes, men in most cases will not feel comfortable with the girl paying for the dinner. How about trying it with an even share first?! :)
