Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lets have a girly talk...how to blow your first paycheck 101

Ok so when you are young and don't have responsibilties such as bills and rent to pay, its common practise to blow your first pay check. I'm an avid saver I am no poster girl for being responsible with money but I'm certainly not too bad with knowing when to put money away.

I start work next week and I have already got it all planned out how my paycheck will be spent. After the first week I will put money aside but freedom is a powerful creature.

Lately I have been wanting a change, I am a currently a light blonde, im naturally a dark blonde. I've been through quite a few different hair styles and colours. This light blonde that I currently have I have been for about a year and its actually the longest I've stayed one colour since I started dying my hair but I've been leaning lately towards dying my hair dark. I've had it dark before but I want to go even darker than I have ever had it. I'm constantly looking up pictures of hair colours and styles because as much as I want to dye my hair dark I can't help but look at pictures of people who were once blonde and went dark or were once dark and went blonde and prefer the blonde every time.

I look younger than I am, at 18 I get mistaken for 15 or 16 because I am very small framed and short. Darker hair makes most people look older, I found this to be true when I had my hair darker. The problem is, once I go dark I cant just decide I don't like it and go back to blonde and any females out there that have been through the process know that it takes ALOT to get previously dyed hair to a nice shade of blonde, its a long and drawn out process. Of course there is also the fact that getting the regrowth done ever 4-6 weeks costs alot more than getting the regrowth done of dark hair, even at the hairdressers.

So, instead of dying my hair dark I will change as many other things as possible and see if I'm happy with that. I need to get creative, I'm open to suggestions.

So, my first pay check will be spent on getting my nails done (gel french tip), my eyelashes tinted and my eyebrows lightened so that they dont stand out against my blonde hair. I'm lost as to what else I can do, whenever you say "make-over" everyone immediately goes for the hair.

Any remainding money will probably be spent going into town and buying a few drinks or if I can think of something I want to buy my friend something for all the favours and help he has given me lately. I just cant think of what to get him.


  1. I have no idea what gel tips are and hope if you do that that you post a pic.
    If your thinking about darkening your hair, wouldnt it be wise to hold off on lightening your brows?
    its times like this im glad im a guy. I look horrorible and my choices are, do I shave or not :)
    So um save your money and stay home an shave your head, then you'll have more money to get more drinks until you forget your bald.
    Personally I like the look of blonde hair with dark ends, or dark hair with blond roots. however its called.
    Wish I could be more helpful :(

  2. getting eyelashes tinted sounds fun :) hmmm the hair part...i dunno cause i'm 18 and have black hair but i get taken for a 15 year old practically every other day (sigh, i know. it's bad...except for cheaper movie tickets. then its like, heck yes! lol) why don't you keep the blonde and get dark highlights/lowlights, or darken ur hair and have blonde highlights? just a suggestion..put up a pic to show the final results!! haha and have fun!
