Friday, February 12, 2010

Glass half full... i mean empty...i mean full

Lately I have been really really stressed out. I've tried to write about it about 5 seperate times in the past 2 days but have been feeling so strange I couldnt even bring myself to TRY and put it in words until now.

I want to be happy about things and I should be happy about things but the bad things that happen keep overtaking the good things and I try to block out the negative and focus on the positive but I cant help the awful feeling I get in my stomach. I'm such a dweller, I dwell on things like you wouldnt believe and I know its terrible and I should just not care and try to forget but I'm human and I have emotions and if another psychologist tries to tell me to "think positive" I'm going to possibly punch him//her right between the eyes. Ok, I'm not a violent person, infact I'd just get aggravated on the inside and then complain later to an innocent third party.

I might explain later what has brought me to this particular emotional state but right now I really can't bring myslef to do it.

1 comment:

  1. id try to cheer you up Ms B, but all I could advice is do NOT read my posts!
    I dwell on the negitive too much, but I only do that when, as Im always being told, I over think too much. Maybe we can play a game?
    Russian rullete?
