Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A completely random babble, teenage girl style.

Feeling like a complete moron, constantly. I feel...beneath people...would be the best way to describe it. I know I shouldnt, but I do. I always get very intimidated by others, especially when meeting new people. It doesnt help that I am quite short, so I suppose in a way everyone really does look down on me.

My moods are going up and down like a rollercoaster. One minute I'm happy...everything is good, next minute all I want to do is lay down, crawl into a ball and cry. Why can't I just be happy??

Music helps. Music and retail therapy, sometimes at the same time.

I went shopping today. Deciding to mix it up I picked things off the racks I usually wouldnt consider and tried them on. Trying out the "it looks better on" theory and actually bought a few things.

A very cute little nautical style dress, a black high waisted skirt because SHOCK HORROR I didnt have one! And a cute frilly top to wear with the skirt.

Bought the best shade of red nail polish! Ohmygosh.

Fudge lighter shade of pale, to tone my blonde hair, I'm hoping for some long lasting results.

And currently on my wish list is "Bobbi Brown Make-up Manual" I just dont have enough money right now since I'm not working. But I do start that clerical job soon.

Heard from W yesterday, he's sick, and with what he's sick with I know he's not lying. Hopefully I
ll see him soon. I keep thinking about our kiss.

1 comment:

  1. I'm short too...it also makes people think you are like 5 years old. I got carded in the emergency exit row of an airplane (15?)...awkward.

