Sunday, May 9, 2010

Far too skinny

I am so so so so over looking at photos of myself and thinking how much I look like I'm 12 because I'm far too underweight.

I do not have an eating disorder!

I just cant seem to have a high enough calorie intake to gain weight because of my metabolism.

I posted a while ago about it but now I'm revisiting.

I recently discussed it with a friend who has been involved in body building and he suggested I use protein powders and weight gaining supplements. My worry with this was that if it was oh - so - simple why hadnt one of the many doctors I'd been to or especially the dietitian suggested this instead of threatening me with an admission to hospital if I lost anymore weight.

I've done a lot of reading and I am so desperate that I'm just going to do it despite their thoughts. I had suggested protein replacements to the dietitian but I was met with her screams and obvious negativity to it. The only thing that I can really think of as a valuable argument is that it isn't promoting good eating habits. But I have been severely underweight for many years now, and with the problem just getting worse, and it in itself giving me a long list of health problems that stop me from doing daily activities I don't have much to lose...but everything to gain.

So the next time I am out I will be buying meal replacement powder or protein powder, or atleast a general powder aimed at weight gain.

I will keep you updated on results.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. well Ms. B i think your the hottest one eyed white haired girl ive ever seen.

    That being said, i find it strange that these doctors and "smart" people havent figured out your issue yet, but i think we can aggree that many smart people cant even tie their shoes.

    Do you keep a journal on what you consume?

    maybe they hear meal replacents and suppliments and assume that you'll do it wrong.

    I think if your eating 3 sensable meals and a healthy snacking inbetween, then add these suppliments, it shouldnt be too harmful.

    One thing I learned is that cashews are awesome, having lots of stuff like minerals, vitamins and whatever. They also help your mood, so you arent depressed. I dont mean you personally, just in the general meaning. The only downside is they are fattening, but in your situation, its perfect.

    I hope everything works out:)
