Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Confessions

I was having a discussion with a friend about how much we hate cheaters, which lead to the general conversation about how people can be so cruel to each other and its terrifying how people can do something without feeling remorse. If we all just had compassion for those around us the world would be a better place.

It lead me to think about how I act and what I do. I like to think I'm a nice person bu I'm sure I could change the way I go about things in order to be a better person. After n argument I sit and think of what lead the other person to say the thngs they did and even make excuses for them and then it pops into my head... Maybe I should of been more understanding.

When that old man you serve at work doesn't smile back, maybe he's had a hard life, dont take it personally, he might not have a reason to smile. When someone snaps, ca you honestly say you've never had a moment where you got a little stressed out and said something unprovoked?

That bully from primary school probably went home to a home life of abuse and drugs.

Sometimes the world just needs forgiveness for its mistakes.

Here's some confessions of mine to be forgiven and some ot just laugh at.

I had a fit of rage today as I stressed out and took it out on inocent by-standers. Im sorry, my bad.

Not kicking my friends guy out of my bed at 4am when he snuck in and spooned me for a few hours, because the truth being, I had been shivering up until that point, I was cold, he made me warm. I'm a horrible horrible person I know. (she was not with him they were just sort of mucking around - NOTE id never do this with someones boyf but I still felt pretty slack).

I swear far too much.

I eat food off the floor.

I have no problem in constantly talking to inanimate objects, I also constantly abuse inanimate objects.

I sing to my rabbit. "Hey bunny wunny wunny ur looking pretty funny bunny wunny" etc

Oh and I'd totally feel bad about getting with someone and then getting with his brother, but hey, he treated me like crap and his brother doesnt and if he had respect for me I would of respected him.  

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