Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh Golly...All that hard work, new plan

So cut, I got sick and lost the weight I gained.

New plan, I'm going to dig out a pair of jeans I have that would fit me if I was my ideal weight and I'll take a pcture of them on me now, and then do like a progress report. It's more of an incentive for me and I believe it will promote a better body image to others because most people tell me how they wish they were as skinny as me, so I'll take a picture in jeans that don't fit and show them how change-room mirrors arent always friends, even for skinny girls.

Its important to understand that the clothes you see us in didnt just appear out of nowhere, we had to find them to fit our bodies just like overweight people do or about 90% of girls because they have gig thighs or boobs and don't fit into that standard size 8.

Never assume that we can just wear anything, there have been many times where I have looked in the mirror after trying a pair of jeans on and cried, just as over weight girls do. Just because its too big, still means it doesnt fit, and its just the same as when something doesnt fit because its too small. Its still the whole scenario of wanting something and it not looking the way you want it to despite looking a certain way on other people.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


All I ever really want is for someone to tickle my back and play with my hair and stick around for idk...the rest of my life?

That would be nice.

Of course there are other things I want in someone, but those two are surprisingly hard to come by.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 14 weight in (22nd of may)

40.5 kgs. That puts my total gain at 2.5 kgs.

Wow, 2 weeks and TWO AND A HALF KILOGRAMS. That is amazing results for me. I have been trying to put on weight for so long! I'm so happy and I would recommend protein shakes to anyone, and I'm only using your everyday supermarket variety, I havent even gone up into the body building strengths!

Next I think I need to hit the gym (if only I could find time) and work on my sleeping pattern.

I've noticed a difference in my health, I don't feel as lethargic and have much more energy, although I still get tired easily I seem to be getting more done and without the help of energy drink. (I know its very bad for you but it helped me get motivated with things like study).

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hi John, Im going to respond here :)

I'm going to reply to your comment in a new post because it touches on another issue I wanted to talk about.

John Said...

"I think its strange that while in the relationship that you didnt feel any of the happy clicks of companionship, yet once it ended you felt the pain.
I wish I could say something helpful, but ive been alone so long that I feel a comfort in being so.

It took awhile for me to learn an understand what 40kg is, but I have finally, From what I understand, if your like 5 feet tall, then that could be really thin. Some guys find that very attractive. I dont recall you saying that youve been sick this year, so your health seems fine. Fat people get colds often. I think a plus of being underweight is that its much easier to gain muscle.

Anyways, Stay strong, and in time a better man will come along.

Firstly on the relationship topic, yes the pain I felt mde me wonder if I had felt more than I initially thought.

Now about my weight, yes I am around 5ft tall which makes 40kgs super skinny but only bordering on sickly skinny (to look at). Some guys find it as an attractive quality but most will compliment on other things and then later on down the track say that I need to put a bit of weight on. Usually along the lines of "Your gorgeous but it wouldn't hurt to put a couple of kilos on" which is completely true! I do need to. The WORRYING part about being this skinny is the compliments I get from other girls. Some strangers will even stop me in bars and clubs and point out to their friends how "amazingly skinny" I am and continue with something like "Gee I wish I could be that skinny". It is so very wrong!!! I always tell these girls how I am actually underweight and not in a healthy weight range and have complications because of it because I hate to think of myself as some sort of skinny role model for the girls who think they are fat.

So the guys don't see it as a fantastic asset but the girls do. And who are us girls trying to impress? I always argue with friends that alot of the clothes we wear don't appeal to guys but to girls. Lets face it, some of the fashion trends just arent flattering *cough cough* herem pants.